Prayer Ministry
Prayer Ministry and Prayer Chain
If you would like to be a part of our prayer ministry and prayer chain, please indicate this on your welcome card. Lyndi Peacock coordinates this ministry, and she will send prayer requests to you by email: You can also call or text Lyndi at 928-899-2085. If you are seeking prayer please email Lyndi your request directly or fill out a prayer request card (available at the usher’s table) and place in the offering plate.
Pastor on Call
The Rev. Dr. Gene Grimm is the Pastor on Call. If you would like to get in touch, feel free to call or text him at 928-925-6057 or email him at
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer shawls serve as a tangible reminder of God’s love for those who are walking through difficult times. A prayer shawl can bring great comfort! Shawls can also be given in celebration of milestones such as graduations, weddings, and new babies. Our shawls are lovingly created by Sharon Tom, Barbara Poland, Sheri Simpson, Debra Ochoa, and Amy Greenland. Please let us know if you have someone who needs a prayer shawl! Recipients do not have to be local. Anyone with a love for knitting or crochet is welcome to participate in this ministry as well. Please email Sharon:
Card Ministry
Cards for encouragement, celebration, sympathy, get well, birthdays and more can be mailed out via our Card Ministry. Pam Rineholt, Amy Greenland, Beth Wingate, Carolyn Peterson, Sharon Tom, Linda Enoch, Julie Ruppert, Sheri Simpson, and Geraldine Keenan coordinate this ministry and can always use donations of cards and stamps. Please let us know if you have someone whose day would be brightened by receiving a card from Mountain Reformed Church! If requesting a card or prayer where a card would be desirable for anyone whose address is not in our current Directory, please include the full name and address of the appropriate recipient along with your request. Please email Pam Rineholt:
Let us pray.
We would love to pray for you. If you would like to submit a prayer request and be added to the Mountain Reformed Church Prayer Chain, please fill out the form below.