
As an usher, you help people feel welcome and safe.  Ushers distribute bulletins and hymnals, guide them to their seats and help them find the resources they need. Ushers also assist with passing the offering plate during our worship services, directing people accordingly on communion Sundays, and providing a tally of the number of worshipers present. If you are interested in becoming and usher please contact Larry Culver at 


Liturgists assist the minister in leading worship through reading parts of the liturgy and from God’s Holy word each week from the pulpit. A script is provided in advance for study and are color-coded so that you know what sections you are responsible for reading. If you are interested in becoming a liturgist please contact Larry Culver at 

Fellowship Ministry

Coffee and snacks are such a wonderful service to our congregation.  Please volunteer to bring snacks or to learn to use the amazing coffee maker at church.  Join us in taking turns in this welcoming ministry; please sign up in the binder available on the counter outside the kitchen.  Please reach out to Gayle Williams any Sunday or at 928-463-5164.

Setup Volunteers

Setup assistance arrive early each week to prepare the sanctuary for worship. This includes setting up chairs, tables, alter, pulpit, liturgical banners, audio/video equipment, etc. If you are interested in assisting please contact Ryan Gastonguay at

Audio and Video Technicians

If you would like to assist with sound our camera operations for our Sunday worship service, please contact Ryan Gastonguay at